Hello Friends,
I have been grappling with a lot of questions that seemed to be contradictory resulting in confusion and chaos.
Perhaps Hamlet had similar thoughts when he said " To be, or not to be, that is the question" !
Living for Likes - The "happiness" seems to be wide spread around the world based on the Facebook/Instagram imagery. Is it Instant gratification or are we as a society moved(ing?) in the direction of living for likes all the time? Will we ever live for ourselves without having to bother about others and their opinion on us? This has become a topic serious enough for books to be written on this topic ( perhaps more reflections on this later ).
Rules are for Fools - Many a time we notice that people follow the rules when in a foreign land and stop doing so when they are back. An example could be standing orderly in a line and pushing each other as soon as the flight lands home to get into a line! Is it true that we follow the rules only when "enforced" and lapse back to our original selves when left to ourselves?
Whither To Go - Of late, there has been a clamor for certain individuals to go ( retire ) and for certain individuals to Not go ( resign ). Will we ever get to a point when we know the right time to go (or not go) without folks prodding?
Being a Bully is alright - We were asked to avoid the bullies growing up and being a bully was a bad thing that could result in social boycott. However, now very responsible people who occupy high offices seem to encourage and engage in bullying. The daily vitriolic spread is obnoxious and open hostility seems to have willing cheerleaders! Are we watching how kids can get influenced by this? ( MSD / Kohli during IPL, A Red-haired "gentleman" daily)...
Meddle the Middle - Universally, it looks like the Middle class pays for the extravagances of the Rich and the miseries of the Poor. Why do you need to make the middle class the scapegoat -- the rich and the poor don't pay taxes, don't repay the loans taken. Wonder what happens if the middle decides to rebel ???
These and many more such questions are on my mind which can take the shape of future discussions.
For now, I want to leave you with the image of a person who "meditated" in the full glow of cameras and prime-time news!
Perhaps this will give us a hope of how to balance the contradictions in life?
I have been grappling with a lot of questions that seemed to be contradictory resulting in confusion and chaos.
Perhaps Hamlet had similar thoughts when he said " To be, or not to be, that is the question" !
Acceptance of others - Crucial ? |
Rules are for Fools - Many a time we notice that people follow the rules when in a foreign land and stop doing so when they are back. An example could be standing orderly in a line and pushing each other as soon as the flight lands home to get into a line! Is it true that we follow the rules only when "enforced" and lapse back to our original selves when left to ourselves?
One has Quit and One has Not! |
Whither To Go - Of late, there has been a clamor for certain individuals to go ( retire ) and for certain individuals to Not go ( resign ). Will we ever get to a point when we know the right time to go (or not go) without folks prodding?
Who is the real Bully? |
Meddle the Middle - Universally, it looks like the Middle class pays for the extravagances of the Rich and the miseries of the Poor. Why do you need to make the middle class the scapegoat -- the rich and the poor don't pay taxes, don't repay the loans taken. Wonder what happens if the middle decides to rebel ???
These and many more such questions are on my mind which can take the shape of future discussions.
Meditation amidst chaos! |
For now, I want to leave you with the image of a person who "meditated" in the full glow of cameras and prime-time news!
Perhaps this will give us a hope of how to balance the contradictions in life?
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